OHP Gives Gives “Heaven” a Dark Edge with #MetalCover of BRYAN ADAMS Hit Rock Classic!

Israel born and LA based heavy rock artist OHP (OREN HALMUT) has lifted BRYAN ADAMS 1984 hit single “Heaven” to a new level with his newest #metalcover of an iconic pop classic. With the live music video shot, produced, directed and edited by Oren, himself, this newest interpretation skews from its uplifting, JOURNEY inspiration into far more sinister territory, replacing inspiring, soaring vocals with thundering drums, crunchy guitars, and guttural declarations!

“It was time to give heaven a dark side.” – OHP

Purchase / Stream “Heaven” Online:

Oren started his musical endeavor at the young age of nine in Tel-Aviv Israel. After playing and recording with numerous artists in his home town, he relocated to California in early 2000. Since then, he has been a prominent musical figure in Los Angeles, across the west coast and the nation. He owns H2O studios in North Hollywood, where he works as a producer, drummer and guitar player depending on the needs of each individual project. In 2016 oren started the “ohp metal” channel on youtube which features weekly metal covers of popular songs ranging from pop ,country, hip hop and RnB .The channel has gained over 10000 subscribers and growing weekly.
Oren currently lives in Los Angeles and is endorsed by Vater drumsticks, Dean Markley Guitar Strings and Moody guitar straps.