An Absolute Honor. An interview with Garry Peterson from The Guess Who

As cool as it is to do what we do, sometimes something happens that is still overwhelming. I had the opportunity to speak with a musician that I have looked up to for most of my life. Garry Peterson is a founding member of the legendary band The Guess Who. I had the chance to speak with him for roughly 38 minutes and I had a blast. It was so special and so real, just a conversation that felt like it was between old friends. Generally I transcribe an interview and have the text to go along with the audio. For this one, I felt that there was no way to convey the coolness of Garry within the text. So, after battling with my dedication to a uniform site, I chose to only post the audio for this one. It’s truly the only way you can get a sense of who Garry is and just how real, humble and welcoming he really was. I hope you enjoy the conversation and realize just how special this is.
Listen to the entire Garry Peterson interview below:
[ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”” skin=”regular” align=”none”]
Keep up with The Guess Who below:
Official Site
Purchase The Guess Who’s Greatest Hits below:
The Guess Who – Running Back Through Canada (DVD):
The Guess Who – American Woman: