Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

GLITCH MODE RECORDINGS Reveals Newest Compilation of the Best in Angry Robot Music!

Chicago, IL based, artist-run collective label GLITCH MODE RECORDINGS has released their newest compilation of futuristic dystopia sounds featuring songs from AudioFleshCyanoticDerision CultRaine VivianLiving Room ProjectConn.RARRobohop, and more!

The past couple years were a crazy time for everybody. But today, we’re starting a new chapter and are firing on all cylinders. This is Glitchmode reflects that for sure. There’s zero filler anywhere on here which is key for us with any compilation. All the artists on here have releases slated through next year. We wanted to share this with the world first, but trust me- it’s only the beginning” – Sean Payne (Label Founder)

Track List:
1. This is Glitch Mode [Intro]2. Raine Vivian – Tied Up [Glitch Mode Dub]
3. Derision Cult – Bastards of the World [Glitch Mode Breaks Mix]
4. Living Room Project – Johnny Come Lately
5. Brad_Blank – Industrial Zone
6. Cyanotic – Sound the Alarm
7. Cables & Lace – Circles [Glitch Mode Edit]
8. Audioflesh – Tribal Technology
9. Conn.RAR – Drained [Glitch Mode Workman’s Comp Mix]
10. Robohop – Designer Flex feat. K8E + Rich Laurel [Glitch Mode Mix]
11. Black Agent – Ruination [Glitch Mode Dance Mix]
12. Breath & Decay – Cyborg Grinder Finance [Glitch Mode Edit]
13. PayneHunt – Something 2 Explain [Technoid Hell]

Buy / Stream This is Glitch Mode Online

artist-run collective + label since 2004. angry robot music + futuristic dystopia sounds from Chicago, IL.

our Glitch Mode squad is dangerous. the entire unit: Cyanotic, Derision Cult, Conformco, Vampyre Anvil, Breath&Decay and more

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part band, part machine, the Chicago-based angry robot outfit Cyanotic, has been producing their own hybrid of angry robot music since forming in 2002. Striking balance between synthetic order and frenzied chaos, the band’s 2017 release “Tech Noir” serves as a welcome updating of their loving homage to electronic music culture and classic cyberpunk tropes.

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Connect with DERISION CULT:
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Connect with RAINE VIVIAN:
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Connect with ROBOHOP:
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