Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

THEY’RE BAAAAACK! Silvertide at The Machine Shop in Flint, MI

Silvertide-Night One-Flint-2013-50For those that aren’t familiar, Silvertide are a 5-piece band from Philadelphia. They got their start during the early 2000’s and were full on pedal to the metal with touring and bringing their powerful rock sound to the masses. I was fortunate enough to see them a handful of times in the past. In fact, in 2005 I saw them open for three different headliners. Unfortunately, that would be the last time I saw them because they disbanded not long after. It wasn’t until late 2012 that my hope of ever seeing the band live again had been restored. Silvertide made an announcement that all five original band members were getting back together! Fast forward to March 2013 and the first reunion Silvertide show took place in Philly. Fast forward again to September and I found myself on a road trip to Flint, MI for two back to back shows at The Machine Shop. The first night was billed as playing their Show and Tell album in its entirety and the second night was billed as playing B-sides, rarities and new songs along with a Meet and Greet after each show. Also, in case you missed it, Jonathan interviewed both Nick and Walt here on Unsung Melody.

Both nights started off with different opening bands. Friday had Sintonik from Nashville, TN while Saturday night had a local Michigan band, Sour Jane. Both were 5-piece hard rock bands that took advantage of their 30-minute sets to get the crowd pumped up. However, Tripp ‘N’ Dixie from Clarkston, MI pulled double duty that weekend opening for Silvertide both nights. It wasn’t very long into their set before you would understand why. This 4-piece band had everything you’d want in a band. Great music, great songs, a charismatic front man and a guitar player with smokin’ licks. Their 45-minute set had a bluesy rock sound, that also included lead singer Rozz Rosales on harmonica. Needless to say, the crowd loved them.

While the stage was being set for Silvertide Friday night, I wondered if they would play the album in order. I wondered if we would get any new songs. I also wondered, now that the band was a little older and wiser, would they still be the same crazy musicians I remembered. All of that quickly went by the wayside with the opening notes of Ain’t Coming Home. It was like they had never stopped playing together. Seriously, I expected a little bit of rust, maybe some dust that would need to be brushed off, but no, I immediately felt like I did seeing them many years ago. THE BAND WAS BACK AND ON FIRE! Lead singer Walt Lafty didn’t miss a beat. He lived and breathed life into each song as the crowd ate up every bit of it. Within the first song he was jumping off the drum riser, lying on the floor and hanging from the ceiling. Guitarist Nick Perri also held nothing back. Between spinning around, head banging and plain getting crazy, he too was the Nick Perri I remembered.

They continued with Devil’s Daughter before going into S.F.C. (yes, they were playing the songs in order) and the crowd sang along, cheered and generally were having a great time. The interaction between Walt and Nick was like that of two brothers. Constantly interacting with each other, leaning on one another. You could really feel the connection between the two of them. In the past, Walt was known for leaving the stage, usually with a corded mic no less, and singing songs within the crowd. Well, by the fourth song of the night, he was standing in the middle of the crowd. Once the song was over they did some shots on stage, Walt gave it up for opening band Tripp ‘N’ Dixie and then he told some stories of past Silvertide shows at The Machine Shop. Apparently during one show he had a bag on his head with some sort of caution tape wrapped around his body and another time he mentioned he’d broken his nose.

As the night went on, song after song, Walt was constantly getting up close with the crowd. Whether leaning over near the edge of the stage or actually standing down in the small security area. There were quite a few more times where he was off the stage more than on it. Whether he was mingling with the crowd while singing or sitting near the crowd stage right, he was always connecting with the crowd. During one song he even walked through the middle of the crowd to the tables and stood on a bar stool.

Drummer Kevin Frank was pretty much all smiles all night. Taking a few moments off and on to talk to the crowd or to joke around, his steady beat contributed to the incredible sound coming from the stage. With the addition of bassist Brian Weaver and guitarist Mark Melchiorre, each of their musical talents shining brightly from the stage, Silvertide were an extremely cohesive blend of talented musicians. All night I was thanking the Rock Gods for making this show happen. I personally, along with many others in the building that night, could not have been happier. The chemistry between Walt and Nick was apparent once again during You Want It All. Nick more or less attacked Walt from behind as he wrapped his arms and his guitar around Walt and continued to play, pinning him in one spot. The smile on Nick’s face was priceless.

After playing Nothing Stays, the band left the stage. However, the night wasn’t over and Nick came back out alone. Someone in crowd yelled, “You rock!” Nick replied with, “No, you rock!” He went on to mention how they wouldn’t be here without the fans and thanked everyone. Before his solo he commented that he didn’t have a plan, that he was just going to play. At first he sat on the drum riser, but it didn’t take long before he was center stage. He even got the crowd riled up by playing, stopping, having the crowd cheer and playing again. Eventually the whole band came back out for what I thought was the final song of the night. Foxhole J.C. was full of high energy and once again Walt went into in crowd. When the band did finally leave the stage, it didn’t take long before crowd started chanting Silvertide. When they came back out for the encore, it was Kevin that spoke asking, “Is it predictable to play a new song?” and mentioned they had never played it live before. Try Try Try was flat out awesome and the crowd was really receptive. They started to play another song but it sounded really familiar. So familiar, because it was a reprise of Ain’t Coming Home. Walt mentioned ending the night like they had started and let me say, it was a great way to end the night. Walt even showed off a bit by doing some pull ups from the bars above the drum riser.

Not long after the show was over, each band member met at merch for the Meet and Greet with the fans. They took time to speak with everyone, sign CDs, shirts and take photos. In my opinion, and based on hearing those around me, even if this would have been the band’s only night in town, I truly believe everyone would have been more than satisfied with the show they had just witnessed. However, for those who bought tickets for Saturday, Round 2 would prove to be just as awesome!

Be sure and check out my photos from both nights here.

Unlike the first night, the second night had been billed as B-Sides, Rarities and New Songs. I wasn’t sure how many songs they had that fit that description, so I was pleasantly surprised when they also played songs from Show and Tell. I’d imagine, there were people that were not there Friday night so this was also a bonus for them otherwise they would have missed out on some of those songs.

Nick mentioned this was their third reunion show. The power behind that statement really hit home with me. We were witnessing what I hoped would be the beginning of the amazing return of Silvertide and the new music they have already started creating. Nick also mentioned that he may have re-fractured his ankle from a previous injury. He wasn’t quite sure if it was during the show Friday or well after the after show. Regardless, if he had never mentioned it or if you hadn’t seen his pant leg rolled up exposing his injury, you never would have known. His playing did not suffer in the least. They started off the night with Mary Jane before going into Beware, a song Nick mentioned they hadn’t played in 10 years or more. This was a mid-tempo song that rocked and included a pretty cool guitar solo. They continued playing a good portion of the middle of their Show and Tell album. By the time they were playing S.F.C., Walt was literally hanging by his hands and knees from the bars above the drum riser all while swinging back and forth. Next was Show and Tell, the title track they hadn’t played in years, and also the highlight of the night for me. This song just rips!  This lead into new song Try Try Try and another new song called We Won’t Give Up. Again, to hear brand new Silvertide music was amazing.

Their set ended with Foxhole J.C. This time, during the song, Walt made his way through the crowd and asked for a swing, that was hanging over a beer tub, to be let down so he could get on it. Without his mic, he swung back and forth. I don’t think the man could stand in one spot if you paid him. Once back on stage and after the song was over, everyone left, but again, Nick came out to play his solo. He started off sitting but once again, moved to certain stage. He even played his guitar behind his head. Towards the end he snuck in a little Rage Against the Machine. Once the band came out, and to my surprise, the played a cover of The Rolling Stones Sympathy for the Devil. This also included portions, both musically and with Walt on vocals, of other band’s songs. I found out later, Walt was just making it up as he went along. They played part of Nine Inch Nails Head Like a Hole, Van Halen’s Panama and Billy Idol’s White Wedding. Super fun. Same as with Friday’s show, they ended with a reprise of Ain’t Coming Home.

After their set was over, they held another Meet and Greet with fans. During Friday’s show, I noticed a guy in crowd with a while t-shirt with signatures on the back. Well, Saturday night, he was wearing the shirt again and this time I overhead him telling Mark that they were all signatures from 2005 and now he was having the guys sign the front of the shirt. I also overheard people talking about where they had traveled from. Some from OH, GA, IN, IL and WI. That weekend, Nick posted there were people from 27 different states and even Canada that had made the trip to Michigan that weekend. Now, those are some dedicated fans. While I cant speak for everyone that made the trip that weekend or for the band members, I’m pretty sure no one left The Machine Shop disappointed. Some more good news is that Silvertide have since played two more shows in their home state. If the beginning of their reunion has anything to say about their future, well, I think they’re going to need some shades!

Keep up with the bands below:
Tripp N Dixie

Preview or purchase Show and Tell below:

Silvertide – Ain’t Coming Home: