Doll Skin – Sunshine Studios Live – Colorado Springs, CO

Many bands come and go, but few become the road warriors Doll Skin have become. Currently on their Something Wicked tour with One-Eyed Doll, these ladies are supporting their first full length, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, and they are hitting the road hard.
Yes, these women are young, but don’t let their age fool you. They are gobsmack full talent, and they give it their all, be it 3 people, or 3,000 people in the crowd. As Alex (blue hair) rages on on guitar, you would think she’s about ready to start shredding as if they were a thrash metal band. Nicole and her pink hair on bass add to the thunderous pounding of Meghan’s beating on the drumskins. Sydney’s punk-green hair and her vocal/guitar attack pull the band together in various directions. They effortlessly blend punk, hard rock, metal, and a little bit o’ blues together.
As to their sound… I think the most apt description would be a combination of The Runaways meets Sex Pistols meets Alice in Chains. This young band has more potential than one could imagine. Look for them to keep pushing hard and blowing up. They should have a HUGE career ahead of them!