Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Grand Slam Releases Long Road (Acoustic) – Official Lyric Video

When we wrote this song, we wrote it about people dealing with illness, losing their loved ones and how they wouldn’t want their loved ones and family to suffer grief and be able to carry on in life and celebrate life, and the Long Road to arrive at peace.

When our friend and fellow guitar player Mikael Fassberg lost his life due to a cruel and devastating illness that took him within weeks of his diagnosis, we had to dedicate this to him and his family and all his friends that had to deal with the loss

A man that touched all of us in the band, as a friend and fellow musician .

RIP Mikael

Video from Avengers Media

Stream ‘Long Road (Acoustic)’ here: https://fanlink.to/grandslamacoustic

Taken from the album ‘Hit The Ground’, available to purchase and stream here: https://fanlink.to/grandslamhittheground
