Dark Electronic Duo MAN1K1N Addresses Loss & Mental Health With New Single

October 1, 2021 – Dark electronic duo, MAN1K1N has just unveiled their new single, “Don’t Let Me Try.” Perhaps their most important track to date, it was conceived as a reaction to a personal loss and a year and a half of solitude. It’s a time capsule of several isolating moments.
“‘The heavy solitude of this past year during quarantine was a poignant influence in the moment this song exists in. Too often, suicidal ideation is regarded as a trope. But the anguish felt in those private moments is threatening and devastatingly lonely.
We wanted this song to speak to that without glorifying an end, or without being overly direct. It is a trope mired in heavy familiarity that we wanted to capture. We invite the listener to draw their own conclusions and inspire conversation.”
MAN1K1N has drafted Tom Baker, renowned Mastering Engineer of iconic albums such as The Downward Spiral, Hellbilly Deluxe, Psalm 69, etc., to tackle their new single and his delivery met all expectations. In support of the new release, MAN1K1N will be headlining this year’s Endless Nights Vampire Ball in Salem, MA on October 16th, hosted by Salem’s own VampFangs. This will be their one and exclusive appearance this October.
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